'Axolotl News' Newsletter
Axolotl News was published from 1976 - 2003 (see below). The newsletters contain information about axolotl care and use, and non-peer reviewed scientific articles.
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Issue 30 Summer 2003 |
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Issue 29 Fall 2001 |
Archives - Issue Number and Date
Table of Contents Issue 1, Spring 1976
* History of the Indiana University Axolotl Colony by R.R. Humphrey
* Research Notes: Research summary of the c gene in the Mexican axolotl by J.T. Justus
* Bibliography of general review articles on the axolotl as a research animal
* Bibliography of staging series used for the axolotl
* List of mutant genes described for the Mexican axolotl by A.J. Brothers
* Histocompatibility groups by L.E. DeLanney
Table of Contents Issue 2, Fall 1976
* Research notes: A summary of stages of limb regeneration in the axolotl by Bruce M. Carlson
* Symposium announcement:Developmental Genetics of the Early Embryo
* Symposium schedule
* Abstracts of principal lectures
Table of Contents Issue 3, Spring 1977
* Everything you wanted to know about creating a strain of axolotls carrying a tiger salamander gene but were afraid to ask by Sally Hennen
* Report on symposium: Developmental Genetics of the Early Embryo
* Instructions for the care and feeding of axolotls by A.J. Brothers
* Hatching brine shrimp eggs by Larry Lawrence
Table of Contents Issue 4, Fall 1977
* Communication from A.J. Brothers
* Technical Note: Another brine shrimp hatchery by Wayne A. Moyer
* Symposium announcements
* Tentative symposium schedule: Developmental Genetics of the Mexican Axolotl
* Abstracts of papers to be presented at the symposium: Developmental Genetics of the Mexican Axolotl
Table of Contents Issue 5, Spring 1978
* Meeting report - Toronto, 1977: Developmental Genetics of the Mexican Axolotl by R. Tompkins
* The strain background of the cardiac gene by L.M. Lawrence
* Pressure induction of triploids in the axolotl by L.L. Gillespie and J.B. Armstrong
* The o mutant of the Mexican axolotl, an instructive lecture topic for a developmental biology course by R.A. Tassava and B.A. Stover
* Poem: "Biotectonics" by T. Weiant
Table of Contents Issue 6, Fall 1978
* Publications of R.R. Humphrey
* Directory of axolotl colonies
* How are your standards? by G.W. Nace
* Sources of amphibians for research by G.W. Nace and J.K. Rosen (supplement)
Table of Contents Issue 7, Spring 1979
* Table of stages of the normal development of axolotl embryos by N.P. Bordzilovskaya and T.A. Dettlaff
* Breeding of axolotls in aquaria by William R. Forbes and Carol Sue Forbes
* Protozoan cure by William R. Forbes and Carol Sue Forbes
* Cartoon: Makes one want to axolotl questions
* Additions to Directory of Axolotl Colonies
* Addendum to Bibliography of R.R. Humphrey
Table of Contents Issue 8, Fall 1979
* Availability of experimental material by F. Bacher and N. Montoya
* Bibliography of recent research on axolotls by L. Lawrence and P. Riesenman
* Axolotl recipes by R. Brandon
* More cartoons
Table of Contents Issue 9, Spring 1980
Section I: Diseases
* Introduction by Larry M. Lawrence
* Infections of the axolotl: summary of data
* Treatments and dosages by Warren F. Fox
* Dosages of injectible antibiotics
* Diseases of axolotls in the amphibian colony of the Hubrecht Laboratory, Utrecht, The Netherlands, in the period 1974-1980 by R. Verhoeff-de Fremery
* Raised epidermal ridge disease by Warren F. Fox
* A skin disease affecting limb regeneration by David L. Stocum
* Gram positive bacterial infection of the axolotl by Robert K. Alico and William R. Forbes
* A lethal sporozoan parasite causing skin pustules by Larry M. Lawrence
* Fairleigh Dickinson University's axolotl colony: diseases and abnormalities by Gervasia Schreckenberg
* A lethal syndrome in the axolotl: anemia with enlargement of the liver and spleen by L.M. Lawrence
* Miscellaneous diseases and other notes
Section II: Culture Conditions
* Axolotls in the lab by Rudolf Brun
* The maintenance of Ambystoma mexicanumin the Hubrecht Laboratory by R. Verhoeff-de Fremery
* Notes on maintaining axolotls in aquaria by Wm. R. Forbes and Carol Sue Forbes
* Toxic effects of ammonia and nitrate on axolotls in filtered aquariums by Warren F. Fox
* Problems with plastics and axolotls by Warren F. Fox
* Raising axolotls in individual containers by Kirsti Lampiaho
* Making the transition from bowls to aquaria by Larry M. Lawrence and Nathan A. Montoya
Short Note
* Second addition to Bibliography of Works of R.R. Humphrey
Table of Contents Issue 10, Winter 1981
* Induced spawnings and artificial insemination in the axolotl by J. Armstrong and L. Gillespie
* Manipulation of the sex life of the Mexican axolotl by S. Lovtrup
* Polarities of the amphibian blastula by S. Lovtrup
* Publication announcement: Progres recents en biologie du developpement des amphibiens by J. Signoret
* Correction (re. disease treatment)
* The worried axolotl a poem by Ralph Lewin
Table of Contents Issue 11, Winter 1982
* State of the Indiana University Axolotl Colony - 1982 by Fran Briggs
* Axial designations for the limbs of Ambystoma and Notophthalmus by Warren F. Fox
* Is MS 222 mutagenic: a sex-linked lethal test by Karen A. Fahrner
* Additon to the axolotl colony directory by Shelley Helen Waldorf
* Towards the development of a practical method for reversing the sex (male to female) of large numbers of Ambystoma mexicanum by Stephen A. Bodney
* Update on "Raised epidermal ridge disease" by Warren F. Fox
* Ammonia, ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate: causes of disease in axolotls and prevention of their toxic effects by Warren F. Fox
* Two pathologic populations of the tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) in Utah by Peter Hovingh
* Some tips for feeding finicky axolotls by Nathan Montoya
* Histological methods for axolotl tissues
Table of Contents Issue 12, Winter 1983
* State of the Indiana University Axolotl Colony - 1983 by Fran Briggs
* Modified bismuth staining procedure for axolotl tissue by Ken Muneoka, Warren F. Fox, and Susan V. Bryant
* An inexpensive macrophotography setup for amphibian embryos by J.S. Frost
* Reprint from Lab Animal of "Ol' Pink Eyes" by Howard Blatt
* Meeting announcement: 4th Biennial Forum on Regeneration by Charles E. Dinsmore
* Request for information by B.C. Goodwin
* Central Valley Biologicals Center for Reptile and Amphibian Propagation by Bob Barnes and Ron Trimper
* Amphibian BioTech, Inc. by George W. Nace
* Culture of crickets: a food for amphibians and reptiles by George W. Nace and Joseph K. Buttner
* Update of bibliography of recent research on axolotls
Table of Contents Issue 13, Winter 1984
* State of the Indiana University Axolotl Colony - 1984 by Fran Briggs
* Isozymes in the axolotl by John B. Armstrong and Gillian M. Cooper
* Two new genes discovered in recently imported stock of Ambystoma mexicanum by Fran Briggs
* Further notes on pathologic populations of tiger salamanders in the Wasatch Mountains, Utah by Katherine Worthylake
* Survey of the reproductive capacities of three separate age groups of wild-type Ambystoma mexicanum (Dutch strain) by Romee Verhoeff-de Fremery
* A three year survey of reporductive capacity in the Indiana University Axolotl Colony by Fran Briggs
* Factors influencing axolotl spawnings at Developmental Biology Center, Univ. of California, Irvine, CA by Warren F. Fox
* How I get eggs out of axolotls by J.M.W. Slack
* Description of an aquarium for maintaining axolotls by Craig Watson
* Residual seasonality in laboratory axolotls by John B. Armstrong and William S. Fletcher
* The University of Ottawa Axolotl Colony by John B. Armstrong
* A cautionary note concerning chloramine treated tap water by Warren F. Fox
* Labile water quality parameters in amphibian holding systems by J.K. Buttner and G.W. Nace
* Workshop on Amphibian Larval Biology by Richard Wassersug
* New journal announcement: Alytes
* Center for Reptile and Amphibian Propagation (metamorphosis note) by Bob Barnes and Ron Trimper
* Reprint of histological sections by Warren F. Fox
Table of Contents Issue 14, Spring 1985
* Control mechanism involved in pigment cell differentiation - the axolotl as a model system by Sally K. Frost
* Selective innervation of axolotl limb muscles by Donald J. Wigston
* The axolotl embryo as a model for studies of neural crest cell migration by Jan Lofberg
* Benzocaine: an excellent amphibian anesthetic by Joseph W. Vanable, Jr.
* Central Valley Biological by Bob Barnes
* Need a fast frog? by George M. Malacinski
* In search of axolotl tumors? by George M. Malacinski
* Call for information on crowding
* Workshop on Larval Amphibian Biology (announcement)
* Fifth Midwest Forum on Regeneration (announcement)
* Exit Laughing from Field and Stream
Table of Contents Issue 15, Winter 1986
* The state of the colony at the end of 1985 by Craig E. Watson
* The behavior and morphology of urodele pigment cells in vitro by Richard P. Tucker and Carol A. Erickson
* Gynogenesis: a means of rapidly creating inbred lines? by John Armstrong
* Status of the umea Axolotl Colony 1985 by Soren Lovtrup and Mats-Olof Mattsson
* Pinhead (pi): a new mutant gene affecting craniofacial development in the axolotl by Anton W. Neff and Fran Briggs
* Pinhead (pi) lineage by Susan T. Duhon
* Exit Laughing from Field and Stream
* Cartoon
* Indices for Newsletters 1-15
Table of Contents Issue 16, Winter 1987
* State of the Indiana University Axolotl Colony - 1987 by Susan Duhon
* Axolotl genomic library
* Ambystoma embryo development after cold storage by Mary F. Ginsburg, Laura H. Twersky, and William D. Cohen
* Erythrocyte morphogenesis in the axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum by Mary F. Ginsburg, Laura H. Twersky, and William D. Cohen
* Gene e (eyeless) research programs by Gerald W. Eagleson, William A. Harris, Rudolf B. Brun, and Robert B. Cuny
* A unique reference manual for salamander neuroanatomy by Takatoshi Nagai
* Forthcoming volume: Developmental Biology of the Axolotl
* Inventory of live reptiles and amphibians
* Update of bibliography of recent research on axolotls
* Midwest Regional Developmental Biology Conference (announcement)
* Sixth Biennial Regeneration Forum (announcement)
* Cartoon from Hiromichi Koyama
* Exit Laughing from Field and Stream
Table of Contents Issue 17, Spring 1988
* The Indiana University Axolotl Colony - 1988 by Susan Duhon
* Artificial boundaries between epidermis and neural plate produce neural folds in the axolotl by J. David Moury and Antone G. Jacobson
* Establishment of a flow-through water system to maintain a colony of axolotls carrying the pi gene by Sandra Borland and Anton W. Neff
* An axolotl identity crisis by David J. Able
* The I.U. Axolotl Colony's short guide to the care and feeding of axolotls by Susan Duhon
* An economical, balanced diet for Xenopus by David J. Able
Table of Contents Issue 18, Spring 1989
* The Indiana University Axolotl Colony - 1989 by Susan T. Duhon
* Natural history, ecology, and evolution of the Mexican "axolotls" by H. Bradley Shaffer
* The axolotl in its native habitat by Hobart M. Smith
* Courtship and mating behavior in the axolotl by Heather L. Eisthen
* Astronautls by Gary P. Radice
* A Turing model to explain heart development by John B. Armstrong
* Rufus Richard Humphrey's contribution to zoological nomenclature by Hobart M. Smith
* The axolotl by Juan Jose Arreola
* Book announcement: Developmental Biology of the Axolotl
Table of Contents Issue 19, Spring 1990
* IU Axolotl Colony update by Susan T. Duhon
* The lateral line system of the axolotl by R. Glenn Northcutt
* Taste system in the axolotl: physiology and anatomy by Takatoshi Nagai
* Vomeronasal systems in aquatic salamanders: axolotls smell better than fish by Heather Eisthen, Dale Sengelaub, and Jeff Alberts
* Molecular biology of the axolotl
* The use of lacZ fusion constructs as a cell lineage marker in the axolotl by Mary Whiteley, William S. Fletcher, and John B. Armstrong
* Whole-mount immunocytochemistry in axolotl embryos by Steven C. Smith and John B. Armstrong
* Treatment of Columnaris disease in aquatic salamanders by Deborah A. Schaefer and Heather L. Eisthen
* Book review: The axolotl lacks little by Malcolm Maden
Table of Contents Issue 20, Spring 1991
* IU Axolotl Colony update by Sandra J. Borland
* One gene two eyes? by Rudolf B. Brun
* New perspectives on embryonic lens induction by Robert M. Grainger and Jonathan J. Henry
* Readout mechanisms for the optically activated skin camouflage reactions of Ambystoma larvae by Paul Pietsch and Carl W. Schneider
* Tests of motion vision and phototaxis in salamander larvae by Carl W. Schneider, Barbara W. Marquette, and Paul Pietsch
* A reevaluation of the cardiac mutant by Steven C. Smith and John B. Armstrong
* Myotome myogenesis in the Mexican axolotl by Anton W. Neff
* Bacterial study of axolotls by Rebecca A. Schlotter and Brian M. Ward
* An effective acquisiton and stable containment technique for Ambystoma mexicanum whole blood by Charles F. Zwemer
* Indices for issues 16 to 20
Table of Contents Issue 21, Summer 1992
* IU Axolotl Colony update by Sandra J. Borland and Susan T. Duhon
* International Workshop on Axolotls and other Urodeles (announcement)
* Heart development in cardiac mutant axolotls by Larry F. Lemanski, Sherrie M. La France, Nihan Erginel-Unaaltuna, Margaret E. Fransen, Tushar K. Ray, masako Nakatsugawa, Sharon L. Lemanski, and Dipak K. Dube
* Growth factors in axolotl cardiac induction by Anthony J. Muslin
* Respiratory gas exchanger partitioning in Ambystoma mexicanum during an aquatic hypoxic challenge by Charles F. Zwemer
* Changes in the cell cycles during early embryogenesis of the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) by Alexei G. Desnitski
* Pacific Aquaculture by Robert D. Royer
* New identification system makes 'axolotl life' easier by Sandra J. Borland
* Spawning axolotls at IU: a ten-year history by Susan T. Duhon
Table of Contents Issue 22, Spring 1993
* Axolotl Colony update - 1993 by Susan T. Duhon
* The International Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Axolotls and other Urodeles (announcement)
* Amphibian metamorphosis by Anne Phaff Ussing and Per Rosenkilde
* Amphibian immunology with a special emphasis on axolotl haematology by Anne Phaff Ussing and Per Rosenkilde
* Heart induction in the cardiac mutant axolotl: a reply by John B. Armstrong and Steven C. Smith
* Beyond the heart of the matter: other effects of the cardiac mutation by Steven C. Smith and John B. Armstrong
* Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of ambystomatid salamanders by S. Randal Voss
* Cell lineage analysis of blastomeres of the marginal zone in the 32-cell stage embryo of the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles waltl by Michel Delarue and J.C. Boucaut
* Oocyte transfer in the axolotl by Jean-Claude Beetschen and Christiane Daguzan
* mRNA isolation and RT-PCR using small amounts of embryonic axolotl tissue by Hui B. Sun, Anton W. Neff, George M. Malacinski, and Anthony L. Mescher
Table of Contents Issue 23, Summer 1994
* Meeting report: International Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Axolotls and other Urodeles
* Uronet
* The salamander immune system: right and wrong by Jim Kaufman and Heiner Volk
* Axolotl immunology: lymphocytes, cytokines, and alloincompatibility reactions by Nicholas Cohen and Anne Koniski
* You've got to have heart...or do you? by Jo-Ann E. Mellish, Alan W. Pinder, and Steven C. Smith
* Molecular characterization of the conditioned medium which promotes myofibrillogenesis in cardiac mutant axolotls by Nihan Erginel-Unaltuna, Dipak K. Dube, and Larry F. Lemanski
* Protein synthesis during heart development in normal and cardiac mutant axolotls by Nihan Erginel-Unaltuna, Dipak K. Dube, and Larry F. Lemanski
* A brief history of the premature death (p) mutation by Ann C. Graveson and John B. Armstrong
* Metamorphic stages in Ambystoma mexicanum by Agustina Cano-Martinez, Alvaro Vargas-Gonzalez, and Miguel Asai
* Radiologic study of limb regeneration in the axolotl by Christopher Preachuk
* Alcohol teratology of the axolotl embryo by Sandra Clark
* Axolotl's shuffle by Tsutomu Miyake
* An amphibian farm in Tennessee by Charles D. Sullivan
Table of Contents Issue 24, Fall 1995
* Director's note by George M. Malacinski
* Axolotl colony update by Susan Duhon
* Axolotls in the second grade by Virginia Coppedge
* Axolotls in my third grade classroom by Fred Walden
* A brief history of the axolotl at Rufus King High School By Jonathan Knopp
* Using the axolotl in undergraduate course work and research (re-awakening student curiosity for living creatures) by Karen Crawford
* Pheromonal control of male courtship behavior in Ambystoma mexicanum: A laboratory exercise in comparative neurobiology by Linda E. Muske
* Microsurgery on axolotl embryos: an essay describing a multifaceted undergraduate learning experience by George M. Malacinski
* Cell and hybridoma technology course at the State University of New York College at Fredonia by Bruce Tomlinson
* An amphibian farm in Tennessee by Charles D. Sullivan
* Why is cardiac lethal? by Steven C. Smith
* Cloning and expression of a homeobox (Hox A5) gene in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) by Arun Gaur, Dipak K. Dube, and Larry F. Lemanski
* Expression of a novel protein associated with heart development in the Mexican axolotl by Nihan Erginel-Unaltuna, Dipak K. Dube, Kent G. Salsbury, and Larry F. Lemanski
Table of Contents Issue 25, Fall 1996
* News from the Axolotl Colony by Susan Duhon
* Director's note by George M. Malacinski
* Axolotl Colony Price List
* Axolotl Colony Registration Form
* Ambystomid salmanders can see ultraviolet (UV) light: evidence for UV photoreceptors in the eyes of axolotls by Mark Deutschlander and J.B. Phillips
* Amphibian Maintenance Facilities at Sogang University, Korea by Wonsun Kim
* Axolotl Larvae Housing Methods by Cheryl A. Nugas
* Corwin Lab Axolotl Protocols by Anne Hennig
* Axolotl Housing and Care at St. Mary's College of Maryland and What is an Axocondo? by Karen Crawford
* Raising Axolotl Larvae by Peggy Egar
* Raising Axolotl Larvae by Linda Muske
* Northcutt Lab Larval Rearing Methods:1996 by R. Glenn Northcutt and Linda Barlow
* Inexpensive and Low Maintenance Facility for Housing Axolotls by M. Moody and G. Thibaudeau
* Housing and Feeding Larval Axolotls by Carl Schneider
* Axolotl Care at Indiana University Northwest by Timothy Stabler
* Maintaining Larvae by Katia Del Rio Tsonis
* Simple Brine Shrimp Hatchery by Brent Mundy
* Terrestrial Axolotl Care Shee (Ambystoma mexicanum) by Brent Mundy
* Indices, Issues 21-25
Table of Contents Issue 26, Fall 1997
Issue 26 is available online. Black&White PDF Color PDF
* News from the Director by George M. Malacinski
* News from the Axolotl Colony by Susan T. Duhon
* Thyroxine induced metamorphosis in a neotenic axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum): Gills, Lungs, and Capillaries by C.M. Coleman and A.C. Hessler
* Effect of 60 Hz ambient magnetic fields on the development of axolotl embryos by M. Abdel-Hadi and R. Gordon
* The axolotl and its native habitat -- yesterday and today by Susan T. Duhon
Table of Contents Issue 27, Fall 1998
Issue 27 is available online. Black&White PDF Color PDF
* Note from the Director by George M. Malacinski
* Frontiers of the Biology of Amphibia Symposium Notice
* Axolotl Colony Price List for 1998-1999
* Breedint the Axolotl in its Native Habitat by V. Graue, J. Sánchez Robles, G. Castro, O. Cuamatzi, J. Márquez, and M. Vázquez
* Xochimiloco Today by Susan T. Duhon
* Axolotls in the Second Grade Chapter Two by Virginia Coppedge
Issue 28 is available online. PDF(896KB) PDF(3.9MB)